Types of Garage Heaters in Edmonton

Garages can be cold places, so you should consider installing energy-efficient garage heaters to keep the space warm. If you’re not familiar with the different types of garage heaters, consider these: electric, propane, Kerosene/propane, and forced air. Each type of heater offers its own set of benefits. Read on if you want to know more about garage heaters.

Infrared garage heaters

Infrared garage heaters are a great way to heat your garage while saving on energy costs. These units heat up quickly and work with different fuel sources, so you can choose one that’s right for your home. Wall-mounted units usually use gas as their fuel source because it’s cheaper to operate than a portable unit. Portable units, however, have a smaller tank and require extra ventilation to prevent carbon dioxide build-up.

Forced air garage heaters

The most common heating system for garages is the forced air garage heater. Typical fuel sources include gas, propane and electricity. Many have built-in safety features and adjustable thermostats. Make sure to follow installation instructions carefully to ensure proper airflow and safety. For more information, please visit our website.

Electric garage heaters

If you are looking for an electric garage heater in Edmonton, you are not alone. Most people do not connect their garage to central heating systems. As a result, an unheated garage is a cold spot in your home’s heating system. Electric garage heaters are a great alternative and are far less expensive than gas-powered models. Here are some tips for finding the right one for your garage.

Kerosene/propane garage heaters

Not only do propane and kerosene garage heaters provide warmth, but they also can be used indoors and out. Kerosene is safer to handle as it is a liquid and easy to clean up. Propane heaters can be portable and cost less than kerosene. Propane may be the better option if you’re looking to warm your garage quickly.

Radiant garage heaters

If you live in Edmonton, you know the cold winters can take a toll on you and your vehicle. While most people use their garage for storage or work, garages are also part of our homes and often have their feelings. Even if you only use your garage once or twice a year, you can enjoy your man cave and keep it warm in winter with a radiant garage heater. To find out which type of heater is best for your garage, read on to learn about some of the advantages of radiant garage heaters.