Frequently Asked Questions About Boilers

Boilers are a critical component of many home heating systems, and with their complex operation comes a host of questions from homeowners and facility managers alike. Below are some of the most popular questions related to boilers, covering topics from troubleshooting and maintenance to efficiency and replacement.

1. How Often Should a Boiler Be Serviced?

Regular maintenance is crucial for the efficient operation and longevity of a boiler. It is generally recommended that boilers be serviced once a year by a qualified professional to ensure they are operating safely and efficiently.

2. What Are the Signs My Boiler Needs Repair or Replacement?

Key indicators that your boiler may need attention include:

Strange noises like banging, whistling, or gurgling Frequent loss of pressure Leaks or drips The pilot light keeps going out Inconsistent heating or hot water supply 3. Why Is My Boiler Losing Pressure?

Boiler pressure can drop due …

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